
A new study reveals why we actually cheat in the first place

You could write an encyclopedia on the reasons why men and women cheat, and you still wouldn't cover half of the reasons. Almost everyone has their own reason, accompanied by a long story to justify the reason and, of course, extreme moralizing to try to minimize their guilt. But science does not surrender so easily. In a recent study published in the Journal of Sex Research, they simplified everything.

Why do people cheat? V studies was involved 495 young people, two reasons for cheating will probably be familiar to you:
"I was no longer in love with my partner."
"I was not committed to my partner."

A very simple reason: we are no longer in love.
A very simple reason: we are no longer in love.

Some of the reasons, however, were slightly different. For example:
“I wanted more popularity.”
I wanted more sexual partners.”
"I was drunk and I wasn't thinking clearly."

Alcohol is often involved.
Alcohol is often involved.

So for cheating it is not only the lack of love that is to blame. There is also respect, libido, poor control and certain situations, so problems that exist outside of the relationship itself. Someone is more likely to cheat if they have personal issues, such as feeling insecure in a relationship. At Women's Health they further report that the study also supported the accepted fact that men cheat more often to satisfy sexual desire, while women do this because their needs are not being met within the relationship.

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