
New Year's resolutions: 5 tips for successfully keeping them

Making New Year's resolutions is a great way to bring positive changes into our lives. As long as we manage to fulfill them, of course. So that the old story of failure does not repeat itself this year, we have prepared five useful tips on how to ensure that in 2015 we successfully keep our New Year's resolutions.

Making a list of New Year's resolutions is one of the easiest tasks. Everything else is the actual realization of the set goals. To make it different this year, we have prepared five useful tips, with which we will finally be successful in fulfilling them.

1. Write down your New Year's resolutions on paper

It's one thing to just talk about your wishes, but something completely different to write them down briefly and concisely on paper. This way, we will take New Year's resolutions more seriously and focus on them more easily. Attach the list to a visible place, where it should remind us every day that we can be even better.

2. Let's entrust the goals to others

If we gather enough courage, let's entrust our New Year's resolutions to our loved ones. Thus, we will make an even greater effort to fulfill them, as we will not want to disappoint our trustees.

3. Our goals should not be too high

If we set ourselves too high and often unrealistic goals, it will be difficult to achieve them. That's why we break larger goals into smaller sub-goals, which will be easier to successfully implement and count as success.

4. Let's reward ourselves

We reward each successfully achieved goal. In difficult times after the initial enthusiasm, additional motivation will definitely be welcome.

5. Let's not procrastinate

Let's start now and don't delay at all. Unless we start fulfilling our vows right away, there is little chance that we will actually fulfill them. Let their implementation become part of our everyday life, because only in this way will we actually change the things we want to change in our lives.

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