
New Year's love volcano in the bedroom: 9 proven ways to make the satisfaction mutual

These are methods for the boldest!

New Year's holidays are a time when the need for intimacy tends to increase, emotions are at their peak. We suggest that you use these little tricks of the great masters to create a "glowing" atmosphere in the bedroom.

Fits comfortably

The more comfortably they will be placed, the easier it will be for them to focus only on the "task" and on pleasure.

Turn him on

Good foreplay will turn sexual intercourse into an extraterrestrial erotic experience. Raise the temperature by caressing and touching the body. Keep doing this until he literally asks you for the main action. Then show him that it was worth the wait.

Turn him on.
Turn him on.

Look him in the eye

It may not sound the most simple, but it is worth every effort. Look at him at the moment when he is the deepest in you and don't look away. In this way, you will create a special intimate contact, and your gaze will create a rush of the hormone oxytocin, which will increase connection and the feeling of satisfaction.

Turn on the vibrator

You may have a lot to do, but that doesn't mean you can't indulge in some fun. Choose a vibrator that you don't need to hold in your hand (or put it in his hands), take a comfortable position and enjoy.

Turn on the vibrator.
Turn on the vibrator.

Position 69

With this method, both of you will surely feel arousal and maybe even climax at the same time. In this situation, both of you will have to work hard... and both of you will be winners!

Take control

In a relationship where there is mutual trust, he will allow you to take his satisfaction into your own hands. Not only will this put you in control, but it will almost certainly turn you on even more.

Take control.
Take control.

Do not rush

The slower they are, the more aroused they will be. Gradually increase the pace... until the climax.

Centimeter by centimeter

For real pleasure, caress his body and his limb inch by inch, slowly and gradually. We also advise you to look for the frenulum (that part of the limb that lies on the underside of the head and looks like a kind of nodule). This hides many nerve endings, which means that this is a really important male erogenous zone.

Centimeter by centimeter
Centimeter by centimeter

Ask him directly

Don't worry if he is not always "ready" for action. It's completely normal for an erection to be weaker and weaker at times, and it has nothing to do with how good you are. If this happens to you, ask him directly what is going on. Honesty always pays off.

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