
Next Keyboard - the perfect keyboard for iPhone

For all its sophistication and attention to detail, the iPhone has its flaws. One of the more obvious is the keyboard user experience. iOS 8 did bring the option of choosing an on-screen keyboard, but until the arrival of a genuine alternative iPhone keyboard, there was no truly effective remedy. It was brought only by the Next Keyboard application, which eliminates all the pressing responsibilities of use.

As the reason for the creation of the keyboard, the developers cited an unsatisfactory offer on the market, because with the arrival of the operating system iOS 8 only got the iPhone clones of alternative keyboards for Androids. Next Keyboard is pure iOS application adapted just for the eight. And what good does it bring us?

She "grew up and messed up". the Shift key , which makes it easier to switch between lowercase and uppercase letters. Move the cursor between letters, which until now was as awkward as sewing with fingerless gloves, is now done by sliding across the keyboard. Based on the typed text, the keyboard automatically replaces words with equivalent in the form of a smiley face, which cuts the current path in half, when you had to go to a special window and search for a "synonym" yourself. And according to what was typed, it stacks us like a tetris with cubes suggestions for the next word (phrase recognition) and enables express jump from letters to numbers.

READ MORE: Brightkey Pantone: iOS keyboard that colors your iPhone

The keyboard, however, does not only rely on functionality, because "we also type with our eyes", so there is a range of color themes available, among which everyone will find something to their taste. On Kickstarter has already collected enough start-up funds (although it is still collecting funds until January 25, 2015), v App Store will be available end of February 2015.

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