
Don't ruin your glasses! The 3 biggest mistakes when cleaning your glasses that you're probably making too!

Learn how to clean your glasses properly and extend their lifespan.

Photo: envato

Scratched lenses and dirty frames are the quickest way to ruin your glasses – and completely unnecessarily! How many times have you wiped them with whatever you had on hand, like a t-shirt, a tissue, or even the corner of the couch? If this sounds familiar, it's time to change your habits before it's too late.

Correct glasses cleaning It's an art that requires just a few simple steps and the right tools, but the wrong approach can cause irreparable damage. Below, we reveal key tips for caring for your glasses and the biggest mistakes you need to avoid if you want them to last you a long time.

How to clean glasses properly and avoid damage?

The first step in properly cleaning your glasses is choosing the right accessories. Forget about t-shirts, handkerchiefs or even kitchen towels – all of these things are loaded with microscopic particles that can cause scratches on your lenses. Instead, invest in a quality microfiber cloth, which you usually get when you buy glasses from an optician. This cloth is specially designed for scratch-free cleaning and is essential for keeping your lenses looking their best.

Photo: envato

Before you start cleaning your glasses, always rinse under lukewarm water. Many people skip this step, but it's a big mistake. Dust and small particles on the lenses can act like sandpaper when you wipe them and cause irreparable damage. Once the glasses are rinsed, add a drop of liquid hand soap – but make sure the soap is mild and free of harsh chemicals like alcohol or ammonia, which can damage the coatings on the lenses. Gently clean the lenses and frame using circular motions to remove all traces of dirt and grease.

The next step is thorough rinsing. Many people make the mistake of leaving soap on the lenses, which can cause stains or even damage the coatings. Once your glasses are clean, gently dry them. It is important to never rub your lenses with paper towels, as these often contain wood fibers that can scratch the surface. Instead, use a soft paper towel to blot the frame and dry microfiber cloth for glass processing.

Photo: envato

We should not forget about the maintenance of the cloth itself. A dirty cloth can make the glasses dirtier than it cleans, so it wash regularly with mild soap under warm waterLet it air dry and never use it wet, as it can transfer dirt to the glass.

What should you never do?

None T-shirt is not clean enough to clean your glasses, even if it seems like the most convenient solution. The texture of the cloth is often too hard and can contain particles that scratch the lenses. Also, forget about alcohol wipes or glass cleaner, that you use at home – these agents can damage the protective coating of your glasses, which will appear as cloudy spots that cannot be removed.

Photo: envato

Another common mistake is cleaning without rinsing first. While it may seem time-consuming, rinsing is essential to remove dust and debris before you start scrubbing your lenses. If you skip this step, you risk scratches that you won’t be able to repair. Also, avoid hot water – not only can it warp plastic frames, it can also affect the coatings on the lenses.

A simple ritual for long-lasting glasses

Clean glasses They are not only more aesthetically pleasing, but also more functional. By following these simple steps, you can prevent damage and extend the life of your glasses. All you need is a little discipline and the right tools. The next time you reach for your T-shirt to clean, remember – a little carelessness could cost you expensive repairs or even new glasses.

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