
Nike: the first LED treadmill that is ahead of its time

What would it be like to run against yourself? Not just against the best time, but against the real you. Well, almost to the right one. That's what Nike thought about.

200-meter running track, which the American giant Nike in cooperation with the company BBH Singapore placed in Manila, has the shape of the foot left by their running shoe LunarEpic and draws essentially a symbol for infinity. Well, on this track you can compete with yourself or with a digital version of yourself.

After the first run, the running shoes are equipped with sensors and the race begins. It stands along the entire track LED-wall or the screen it is running on runner's avatar, and along the actual track, the runner completes his next lap. So you can in real time it follows the speed of its previous lap and competes with it. If the runner's avatar is faster, its size on the screen increases compared to the runner's.

Capture your avatar!
Capture your avatar!

If nothing else, it would be its own avatar really sweet to beat.

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