
Nike found the inspiration for "Nikeames" in the Eames Lounge Chair

Wooden footwear has not really crossed the borders of Dutch farms in the last two centuries. And probably for good reason - imagine that you have to run in wooden shoes. But a new pair of Nikes by the French designer Ora Ïtez, inspired by the Eames Lounge armchair, could disprove this prejudice.

A wooden pair made of plywood and luckily comfortable materials, he came to pay his respects, believe it or not, Eames Lounge 670 armchair. We dare to bet that the shoes you are wearing right now are not part of the luxurious furniture.

Eames Lounge Chair
Eames Lounge Chair

The shoes therefore derive their beautifully wrapped wooden part from the classic of 1956, the colors are based on original colors of the armchair and leather, black Goretex and thin rubber sole and provide you with the necessary comfort. Ora Ïto, which is bizarrely not new to him, he has already designed a spaceship and chairs for a Citroën sedan, and now he hopes that his latest work will be available as a limited edition by Nike.

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