
Nikon D5300 – a premium DSLR camera with WiFi and GPS

Nikon D5300
Nikon D5300

Why not post DSLR-quality photos on your Instagram profile from now on? Now that's possible with the top-of-the-line Nikon D5300 camera.

Nikon presented its first such DSLR camera, which has a built-in GPS sensor and WiFi plugin for wireless internet connection. But that's not all, because you can control the camera remotely via a WiFi network. The built-in GPS signal takes care of that "geo location" photographs. A superb camera Nikon D5300 it also offers recording in resolution 1920 x 1080 60p in Full HD and adding various effects and effects.

Sales Nikon D5300 will start next month after prices 800$ for the camera while standing with the lens 1400$. The price and arrival in Slovenia is not yet known.

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