
No one loves Christmas like she does: look what this grandma's house turns into every December

Betty-Ann Jones Decorated House

A Christmas-obsessed grandmother has turned her home into a "holiday cave" for the tenth year in a row, which is visited by thousands of children during the holidays... despite the fact that her husband is a real-life Scrooge.

Betty-Ann Jones, 77, of Pontardaw, UK, the real Mrs. Santa Claus, owns an enviable collection of Christmas decorations worth a whopping £30,000. And although she vowed last year that it was indeed the last time she would open her house to curious holiday enthusiasts, this year she broke that promise for the sake of her granddaughter.

She decorated the home with more than 2,000 different decorations from all over the world, which she has collected for more than 50 years, and husband Keith, who is not the most enthusiastic about it, can only take a break from the festive atmosphere in the toilet. This is the only thing that is not decorated. Mrs. Jones currently has just inside 14,000 lights, and greets guests in front of the house reindeer.

Betty-Ann Jones Decorated House
Betty-Ann Jones Decorated House

"I love the Christmas atmosphere, so I start already in August. All the photos on the wall are replaced by holiday stockings, one for each member of the family, and Keith has one too, whether he likes it or not. My husband is hiding upstairs. He once said that it was all just a pile of rubbish. Even my son thinks I'm out of my mind. This year, he spends most of his time in the toilet on the lower floor - it's the only place where it's not Christmas this year." says Betty-Ann.

The couple has collected so far from the entrance fees £100,000 to be donated to charity. 

Gallery: Decorated Betty-Ann Jones House

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