
NodPod: Hammock for the head

NodPod headrest.

You too can't sleep while traveling because your head is shaking left and right? Paula Blankenship has found a solution for everyone who would like to get quality sleep while traveling by bus, train, plane or car. The solution is called NodPod. It is a hammock for your head, with the help of which you will sleep like a log even when sitting up.

Forget the inflatable neck support pillow, which is a good solution, but still not optimal, especially since it can you shake your head while driving forward. With innovation NodPod this problem will be gone! Hammock for the head is the child of Paula Blankenship. Enables a quality nap during a long drive, after which you will wake up rested and without any pain. The pillow recreates the feeling of sleeping in bed - with your head at a 90-degree angle - except that you sleep sitting up.

Although the NodPod seems slightly ridiculous at first glance, it is remarkable comfortable and convenient, and her neck will be especially grateful. Paula Blankenship she said that she had tried everything from travel pillows to rolled-up clothes on the long commutes, but nothing was 100 percent because nothing would keep her head still. Hanging net for the head, on which let's rest our chin, it succeeded, as it prevents any left and right swaying, it also prevents nodding.

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It may not look pretty, but it is convenient and comfortable.
It may not look pretty, but it is convenient and comfortable.

NodPod Head Hammock attach to the seat with cords. Safety is also taken care of. In the event of a collision or greater force, the cushion opens automatically. You can use your NodPod for 28 euros pre-order on a crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, where the innovation has already gathered enough funds to start mass production. Pillow and headrest you can expect at home November 2016.

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