
Nokia Booklet 3G

  Nokia may not be at the top of our list when it comes to netbook manufacturers, but that could change soon. Soon, the Finnish company plans to offer customers a very competitive mini laptop, which will rest in a stylish aluminum case, two centimeters high. It will be powered by...


Nokia is probably not at the top of our list when it comes to manufacturers netbooks, but that could change soon. Soon, the Finnish company plans to offer customers a very competitive mini laptop, which will rest in a stylish aluminum case, two centimeters high. It will be powered by an Intel Atom processor, and will be managed by the Windows 7 operating system. The 10-inch resolution screen can be "expanded" via the HDMI output. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth interfaces, support for 3G/HSPA networks and a built-in SD card reader are more or less the standard offer of modern communication devices. Also, the webcam installed on the upper front of the screen is becoming more the rule than the exception. The integrated GPS receiver stands out from the average, which, with the help of Nokia's Ovi Maps service, will be quite welcome at various crossroads. If we add 12 hours of independent battery operation and a weight of 1.25 kg to the interesting expectations, the Nokia Booklet 3G will be more than a welcome refresh and a challenge to the competition.

Price: not yet known, www.nokia.com


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