
NE-festival Theater of the Oppressed


Important information
Gornji grad, Gornji grad
Facebook event
Entrance fee
free entry


Years 2013, August 29, 30 and 31

is about to happen

in Gornji Grad above Kamnik 


the first and true 



association with oppression



And why all this?

The basic purpose of our association is exchange of experiences, views, knowledge and ideas. And that the local community, which will host us, may be helping to meet a particularly tough nut in a slightly different way. 🙂


What will be on the program or the general program.

The structure of each day consists of workshops, round tables and performances.


Thursday, August 29, 2013: What is the theater of the oppressed?

  • Morning and afternoon: workshop What is the theater of the oppressed? Working in small groups and preparing short performances according to the method of the Theater of the Oppressed.
  • Evening: presentation of performances from the workshop and a round table/ a debate (based on short performances) about what the Theater of the Oppressed is - the methodology of the Theater of the Oppressed.

Friday, August 30, 2013: Theater of the Oppressed and Gender

  • Morning and afternoon: workshops based on the method of the Theater of the Oppressed on the subject of gender (Eliana Schueler, TDU Wien)
  • Evening: Performance A story about a woman and Round Table: Use of the Theater of the Oppressed in Gender and Presentation of the Publication After the ladies room


Saturday, August 31, 2013: Local and global

  • Mornings: workshops, what isn't the Theater of the Oppressed?
  • Evening: Performance and round table


And more...

how can you be a visitor to the NE-festival?

All performances and roundtables are characterful and anyone can attend.

how can you participate and how do you apply?

Very easy! On the website http://non-festival.wordpress.com/ you can find the application form and other important information about the NE-festival.

The extended deadline for submission is July 1, 2013. The number of places for participants is limited - together with the organizers at number 50 (due to logistical, location and technical capacities).

You can attend the NE-festival only with the sent application form. We do not accept accidental and subsequent jumpers.


You can follow all the latest news about the NE-festival on the blog http://non-festival.wordpress.com/. There and in the attachments you can also find what is currently known about the NE-festival, about Gornji Grad and other more or less important details.


Whoever comes is right and whatever happens is right. come on no you will regret it!

Transformers & Transformers




PS Please forward to potentially interested!

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