
NoPhone Air - the phone that doesn't exist

NoPhone Air

The NoPhone Air quasi-smartphone is a phone that doesn't exist. It's a phone like you've never seen before! And you won't either! If you order it, you only get the packaging, which is empty. There is only air in it. The NoPhone Air is the successor to the NoPhone, which shared only the shape with the smartphone, otherwise it is a piece of plastic. The Phantom NoPhone Air doesn't even have that. It's a romantic idea. However, it can still be bought.

NoPhone Air it is smartphone, which is not there. When you buy you get just the packaging, in which there is nothing. "We proudly present the least advanced NoPhone," they said at the presentation the inventor phone Chris Sheldon and Van Gould and went on to say that in iPhone 7 style, they stripped the phone of the headphone jack and then everything else. It might look like there's nothing in the packaging, but that's exactly the charm of this phone”.

READ MORE: NoPhone - not so smart phone

By NoPhone Air
By NoPhone Air

Chris Sheldon and Van Gould are members of the rapidly growing counterculture or resistance movement against the use of smartphones. "NoPhone was created as a weapon to combat the deterioration of human relationships resulting from the chronic use of smartphones." NoPhone Air is successor to the telephone NoPhone from 2014, which raised funds on a crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. The NoPhone Air also ended up there. For it or, better, for the packaging, you have to shell out a little less than 3 euros.

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