
Normal, not so normal normal headphones

Which 'Smurf' will you choose? You can't go wrong with a blue classic.

Most of our limbs come in pairs, two are better, but no two are identical. Neither do the ears, or to be more precise, the ears. Each lateral surface of the cartilage is as unique as a fingerprint with a follicle, curve, gap and projection. So why do headphone manufacturers insist on a 'one pair for all ears' policy? Well, someone was just listening in biology class. Namely, Normal offers those that fit every different ear like a mother's hat.

Basic information
The price

Normal headphones are therefore not just another pair of headphones on the market. Your ears' request for a unique shape so no falls on deaf ears, but on mobile application (iOS, Android), which allows you to take a photo of the ear, and with this image, the company Normal helps each pair of ABS plastic with the help of 3D printing sculpted to your liking. It's a mobile process easy, and the result is as complex as the ear cavity. So you get headphones that are music to your ears, as they bring you 1 on 1 with her.

READ MORE: Earin miniature wireless headphones

Which 'Smurf' will you choose? You can't go wrong with a blue classic.
Which 'Smurf' will you choose? You can't go wrong with a blue classic.

Leakage, any kind, even sonically, always has a bad undertone. But with the Normal headphones, no note wanders off into the unknown, but travels straight into your ear canal, because like no real soldier, he doesn't leave a comrade behind, even the headphones leave no sound behind. He is standing on the way (read the cable) to them three-stage a control headquarters from which every smartphone under its 'command' must take orders.

Headphones with absolute hearing.
Headphones with absolute hearing.

Golden, 3.5 millimeter 'banana' and the luxury of quality, which is hidden behind the headphone shell, and 'Normalke', headphones with hearing for your ears, raises it even further the strength is higher above the rest.

Info Box

Normal opens its doors 9.8.2014.

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