
New Year's concert of the Pella vocal group

On Friday, December 9, 2011, at 7 p.m., you are invited to the atrium of the National Museum of Slovenia - Prešernova for a New Year's concert by the vocal quartet Pella and the promotion of Ljuben Dimkaroski's new CD Prazvok davnine. The guests of the evening will be Lasanthi Maranjanie Kalinga Dona, Carlos Yoder and Svanibor Pettan. Listen...

Important information
Muzejska 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

V petek, 9. decembra 2011 ste ob 19. uri vabljeni v atrij Narodnega muzeja Slovenije – Prešernova na novoletni koncert vokalnega kvarteta Pella in promocijo nove zgoščenke Prazvok davnine Ljubena Dimkaroskega. Gostje večera bodo Lasanthi Maranjanie Kalinga Dona, Carlos Yoder in Svanibor Pettan. Prisluhnite slovenskim in makedonskim ljudskim pesmim ter severnoindijski klasični glasbi. Vstopnina 10eur. Pojoče novo leto 2012 vam želi Pella.

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