
New Year's mini date

The year is coming to an end, and for the last time this year we will have fun at Mini Dates. Through dance and story, we will get to know the customs associated with the New Year, learn new dance choreographies and indulge in the rhythms of the festive...

Important information
Kazina Dance School, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
for free

Leto se približuje h koncu in še zadnjič v tem letu se bomo poveselili na Mini zmenkih.

Preko plesa in zgodbe se bomo spoznavali z običaji, povezanimi z novim letom, se naučili novih plesnih koreografij in se prepustili ritmom prazničnega vzdušja.

Pridružite se nam na Mini zmenku v soboto, 17. 12. 2011, med 10:00 in 11:00 uro. Vabljeni vsi otroci, stari med 4 in 8 let.

He will be with you Daniel Michon.

Visiting Mini Date is free.

The project is partially co-financed by the Ministry of Finance.

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