
Nua Bikes Electrica: an electric bike that charges itself

Nua Bikes Electrica: an electric bike that charges itself

The guys at Nua Bikes are talented engineers who focus on the details in their work, which allows them to design and build stylish and minimalist bikes - the latest is the Nua Bikes Electrica, which has a clean design and allows for electricity recovery.

Nua Bikes Electrica is one of the first electric bikes on the market with an exceptional minimalist with a design that enables energy recovery. The electric bike is powered by an electric motor Zehus Bike+, but since it is necessary to add some human energy when driving the bike, you get a kind of this way hybrid drive.

Thanks to the innovative design, the battery, sensors and electronics incorporated into the electric motor compartment. Due to this design, the system capable of generating electricity, when only this is not needed to drive the bike. Through regenerative braking, when kinetic energy converted into electricity, can be obtained energy store in battery for later use or use it up immediately as an aid in propelling the bicycle. With a full battery you can drive around 30 kilometers, but with the help of recuperation you can drive in perfect conditions, as far as we want.

Nua Bikes Electrica has a frame made of titanium and carbonic drive belt. Due to the use of light materials, it only weighs 12.7 kilograms. Nua Bikes Electrica can be yours for 4000 euros.

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