
Nubia Alpha: a modern smartphone that fits on your wrist

The most interesting prototype presented at this year's IFI is the Nubia Alpha smartphone. It is unique mainly because it has to be attached to the user's wrist.

Company Nubia he is currently perfecting his innovation, which should be on the Chinese market already available before the end of this year. They want to in the future Alpha also offer to buyers from other parts of the world.

The device looks robust at first glance, so it will most likely first convince those people who are in favor of large smartwatches.

OLED screen surrounded by a metal frame and a plastic cover. The software that the creators presented at the fair includes basic applications, such as applications for receiving calls, playing music and exercising, as well as a function for tracking the location of (another) phone. Alpha also includes selfie camera.

Nubia for now it has not revealed the specifications of its smartphone. Information on the performance of the processor and battery, as well as the size of the storage space, will therefore have to be waited for.

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