
Numerology: forecast for spring 2023

numerološka napoved za pomlad 2023
Photo: Gantas Vaičiulėnas / Pexels

The numerology forecast for spring 2023 predicts that the spring period will be very special, as the sum of the numbers in 2023 is 7. The number 7 represents mystery, inner wisdom and understanding. This means that this is a time when you can get in touch with your inner wisdom and begin to understand the deeper meanings of things.

What is she like numerology forecast for spring 2023? Spring it is a time of awakening of nature, which also brings plenty of opportunities for personal growth and change. Numerology can help us understand which number has a strong influence on our lives during this period and how we can use it to achieve the desired goals and changes.

Numerology is the belief that numbers are not only mathematical units, but also have a deep meaning and impact on people's lives. Each number has its own meaning and vibration that can affect life, relationships with other people and the future.

It helps to understand what influence birth number, name and other things have on life. With this knowledge, we can improve relationships with other people, business opportunities and other aspects of life.

What it brings us numerological forecast for spring 2023?


This year's March will bring changes in the life of each individual: for some, changes in work, for others, changes of a creative nature, and for others, spiritual changes. For some, the changes will be replaced by important moments. Don't be afraid of it, but know that after changes and falls there is always an upswing.

Spring is here. Photo: Omar Lopez/Unsplash

March offers an opportunity to express all your creative abilities during this period. Given that this year is marked by rapid progress, in March we can use all our talents, resources, opportunities and creativity to create a creative project and successfully launch a business.

March is excellent for directing your creative projects abroad and presenting them to a wider audience. If you are a dancer, singer, musician, public figure or popular, these talents will be in demand in March. So take your chance.

To reach the goal, you will have to face obstacles and difficulties. There can be serious upheavals. In this case, it is necessary to accept the situation philosophically. Try to rise above the situation. This way you will be able to "get over" the problems and move on.

The positive side of March 2023 is the ability to stay in the flow. If opportunities and possibilities are presented to you, answer them and take advantage of your luck. Difficulties must be deftly and wisely circumvented. You may have to work harder than usual: to reach your goal, you will have to work twice as hard. Be prepared for it.


April is a month that, with its energy, brings us inner strength, wisdom and many opportunities for success in business. However, be aware of potential problems that may arise during the work process, for example related to travel or relocation.

In the month of April, new opportunities are offered for any business, even if you are a beginner and have no experience yet. If telecommuting suits your needs, you can take advantage of it.

It already smells like spring. Photo: Pixabay

In addition, April offers you the opportunity to communicate with many people, meet friends, acquaintances and participate in various events.

It is important that you take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way. The positive side of this month is the inner strength and perseverance that will help you overcome obstacles. However, creativity may still be in its infancy, so you should try to awaken it and use it for your projects.


May will bring us an important lesson about listening and understanding others, especially in the area of relationships, where we will have to make compromises. Although it may seem like a sacrifice to us, this decision will bring a blessing or a good start for the future.

Happiness is within us! Photo: Joelvalve / Unsplash

Family will be an important aspect of the month, so conflicts should be avoided and harmonious relations with those closest to you should be maintained. The Moon indicates major actions and events related to home, family and legal matters.

The positive side of the month is accepting circumstances that may not seem the most pleasant to us and helping others who need our support. May will enable us strengthen relationships and build a comfortable nest for your family.

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