

The narrative is set in the year 2077, when life on Earth is unrecognizable; six decades ago it was attacked by aliens who destroyed a large part of our planet. People win the war, but they are forced to evacuate to the cities in the sky, where they live in beautiful air spaces, thousands of meters...

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The narrative is set in the year 2077, when life on Earth is unrecognizable; six decades ago it was attacked by aliens who destroyed a large part of our planet. Although the people win the war, they are forced to evacuate to the cities in the sky, where they live in beautiful air spaces, thousands of meters above the sea. Jack Harper is a war veteran and one of the last servicemen of the devices installed on Earth, which are part of a vast system to repel the enemy and find the necessary raw materials for survival. A military court sends a retired soldier to a distant planet, where he is tasked with destroying the remnants of an alien race. But a series of events triggers the arrival of a crashed spaceship passenger, which raises questions in the soldier about what he knows about the planet, his mission and himself. The film was shot using exceptional digital technology under the guidance of a director who is more or less known to us for science fiction and the film Tron: Legacy.


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