
October 4th is World Animal Day and here are some facts you definitely don't know yet

Our world is full of friendly and beautiful animals, and we celebrate this on October 4, World Animal Day. That is the time to especially realize that animals are often our best friends and companions and that we are responsible for them. So on this day, make time for your pet or pets in particular, or look around at all those unfortunate animals who don't have a home.

According to research from the University of California humans experience the same emotions when meeting an animal as the animals themselves. For them, too, the other creature is cute and dangerous at the same time. But regardless of what is possible and what is not, there are many things we still don't know about most animals. He also points out many such facts similarities and emotional connections that animals share with each other.

1. Sea otters hold each other's hands while they sleep so that they don't swim to their respective sides.

Sea otters hold hands.
Sea otters hold hands.

2. Otters show their young when they are in danger, so that the predator will become sympathetic and leave them alone.

3. Squirrels plant thousands of trees a year, because they often simply forget where they left their nuts.

4. Dolphins have a name for each other.

Even dolphins have names for each other.
Even dolphins have names for each other.

5. Mormons (no, we're not talking about members of Mormonism, but a species of bird) find a partner for life. They make their home on the cliffs and stay together.

6. Oysters can change their gender according to their desire.

7. When seahorses mate, they hold each other's tails and stay together for the rest of their lives.

8. While female and male puppies are playing, the male puppies let the females win even though they have a physical advantage.

Female puppies always win.
Female puppies always win.

9. Short-tailed bush kangaroos are considered the happiest animals in the world.

10. Cows have best friends and are stressed when separated from them.

11. Donkey penguins propose to their life partners with a pebble.

12. Octopuses build a garden of shiny objects and shells around their burrows. They do this to protect themselves from danger.

13. Chickens can communicate with each other even when inside the egg.

14. Panda cats use their bushy tails as blankets to keep warm in the winter.

A panda cat's tail is used as a blanket.
A panda cat's tail is used as a blanket.

15. Polar bears use the nose-to-nose technique to greet each other or when they need food or a favor.

16. Little elephants suck their trunks just like little children suck their thumbs.

17. When grizzlies grow up and leave, they build their den near their parents.

18. When a small koala is too big for its mother's pouch, its mother carries it on its back.

A koala carries its baby on its back when it is too big for the sack.
A koala carries its baby on its back when it is too big for the sack.

19. A cat trusts us when we touch her head with our head.

20. Squirrels will take in other orphaned baby squirrels and care for them as their own.

World Animal Day will also be celebrated in Slovenia

On World Animal Day, October 4, you can participate Rally for World Animal Day on Prešeren square, where the organizers will inform passers-by about animal rights with leaflets, pictures and banners. The rally will take place between 16:00 and 20:00.

You are also invited to Shelter Ljubljana, because they will at 10:00 a.m opened their doors wide and showed the Shelter from the other side as well. They will be provided during the open house animal tours and adoptions. They will also allow guided tours of the interior spaces. The door will close at 18:00.

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