
Office above the clouds: a working day in the life of a Slovenian pilot

Flight from Tirana to Brussels in 8 minutes

Primož Jovanović, a Slovenian pilot employed by the Slovenian airline Adria Airways, published online a video of a flight from Tirana, Albania, to Brussels, Belgium. He condensed it into eight wonderful minutes that will make you envy his profession even more.

It is the pilot best job in the world? If you ask Primož Jovanović, the pilot at Adria Airways, certainly, because flying is not only a job for him, but also a foreign one pleasure. He also likes to film his exploits and watching his latest video, the flight from Tirana to Brussels, which he packed in eight minutes, you'll be at least a little bit envious of his office above the clouds.

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Flight from Tirana to Brussels in 8 minutes.
Flight from Tirana to Brussels in 8 minutes.

Primož Jovanović, who is captain on Bombardier aircraft type CRJ, starts its flight at daybreak in Albania, and the plane descends towards the runway when the sun leaves the horizon. In the meantime, we witness many stunning shots, from the alpine view to the Belgian capital, bathed in evening lights.

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