
Offices of famous and successful people

Mark Parker - NIKE

Successful people don't joke around when it comes to their workspace. It needs to be a place where they can be productive, where they can stay healthy and comfortable for hours, day after day. You must have ever wondered where the famous, rich and successful create their empire. Let us help you. Here are the offices of some of the greatest achievers and artists of our time, such as Woody Allen, Al Gore, Karl Lagerfeld, Steve Jobs, Bill Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg and others.

Each of us has an opinion when it comes to your workspace. A mess on the table does not necessarily mean a mess in the brain and vice versa, even an excellent order on the table does not mean that the owner has such an orderly mind. What exactly are the signs of genius, we do not know. But what we do know is that whether their desks are messy or tidy, they are people brilliant. Indulge in some harmless voyeurism and sneak peeks at the desks and work surfaces of thinkers, businessmen, writers and artists. You might also find some inspiration for yourself.

See the offices of the famous and successful in the gallery.

READ MORE: 10 fun office space dividers

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