
OHS 2017: Open Houses of Slovenia, the largest architectural real estate festival in Slovenia

The largest festival of quality construction, real estate and architecture of the Open House of Slovenia (OHS) is opening the doors of good architecture for the eighth time this year, between April 21 and 23. More than 70 private and public buildings and spatial arrangements will be on display at OHS 2017, which will be selected by a special expert jury. The theme of this year's event is 'Buildings, energy and well-being'.

Important information
various locations in Slovenia, the list will be published on the official website
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

OHS (Open Houses of Slovenia) they offer an experience in quality architecture. They present the best in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, spatial planning, building culture, sustainable construction and the real estate sector.
OHS are part of an international network Open House Worldwide, which is already working in 30 cities worldwide. This creates the largest global architecture festival, reaching more than a million people.

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Beautiful private buildings will also be on display at OHS 2017 (the H Bašelj House is in the photo)
Beautiful private facilities will also be on display at OHS 2017 (the H Bašelj House is in the photo).

People survive in built-up space 90 percent of your time. For the most part, we are not aware of the impact of built space on our life and work, so on well-being, health, safety, performance and efficiency. We build buildings for at least 50 to 100 years. Before buying, we test cars, phones, etc. Real estate, which is one of our biggest investments in business or private life, is mostly not tested. Therefore, we have not developed the correct criteria for their evaluation and for deciding on construction, renovation and maintenance. Buildings not only architects design. They are created by all people, public decision-makers, investors, users. The open houses of Slovenia enable people to the experience of entering buildings, testing them, getting in touch with architects, users, owners, contractors and other experts.
The program of the festival will be announced at the beginning of April. All tours will require reservations through the website www.odprtehiseslovenije.org.

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