
Old folk rituals that attract money and abundance: many still practice them today

Photo: envato

Money is more than the exchange of coins and notes. In it resides a deeper meaning revealed by ancient wisdoms and beliefs. Have you ever wondered why some cultures still swear by ancient money rituals? Let's look at the beliefs of how to attract money!

Who is not interested in how to attract money? Old woman folk beliefs, which have been preserved over the centuries, they often carry in themselves valuable teachings about the relationship to money, happiness and prosperity. We uncover ancient practices and rituals that have been associated with monetary stability for centuries, but remain hidden from many of us.

Some of these beliefs may seem funny or a little strange, but they are deeply rooted wisdom, which teaches us how to attract and maintain financial happiness.

How to Attract Money: Old Folk Beliefs Still Practiced by Many Today

1. So that everything in life runs like butter, wait for the new year and move the furniture around the house.

2. Never throw away half-eaten pieces of bread if you don't want to lose your luck. Pieces of bread, even moldy and dried ones, should not be thrown away, otherwise wealth will leave the house. It is better to feed animals with it.

Plenty of money. Photo: Cottonbro studio / Pexels

3. If luck has left you, sprinkle salt on all the windowsills in the house. And let him lie until happiness returns. Then you need to sweep the salt (you must not touch it with your hands), put it in a bag and take it out of the house, and bury it.

4. If you stumble with your right foot, it means that trouble is near. To avoid this, you should tap the ground three times with your right foot and say: "Go to the land of trouble, away from me."

5. If you stumble with your left foot, it promises good luck.

6. If you want to give someone a wallet, insert a banknote or coin into it - then your gift will bring money to the recipient.

7. After sunset, it is not recommended to pass money from hand to hand, otherwise you can become poorer. It is better to put the money on the table or even throw it on the floor for the person you are giving the money to pick it up.

8. You should not put keys or a hat on the table or sit on the table - this portends poverty.

Money devils - they attract money. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

9. If a mirror breaks in the house, wash its parts with water and bury them in the ground to avoid problems.

10. Never leave a knife stuck in bread if you don't want to know poverty, hunger and want.

11. Never give the change you received as a refund when you bought something to the poor - otherwise you may find yourself in poverty. Also, don't give the last bill left in your wallet.

12. When you get a new wallet, store expensive gold jewelry in it for a while. Then wealth and money will come.

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