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Two masters of humor have come together in a stand-up comedy of the generations. Jurij Zrnec as a director and Janez Hočevar Rifle as an actor wonder about the fun and serious sides of age. All the fears, when the younger ones kindly accompany us to the seat on the bus, when our home is filled with grandchildren or when we give advice to the younger ones, but...

Important information
Sititeater, Mercurius Hall, BTC City, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 13.50 to 15 euros

Two masters of humor have come together in a stand-up comedy of the generations. Jurij Zrnec as a director and Janez Hočevar Rifle as an actor wonder about the fun and serious sides of age. All the fears, when the younger ones kindly accompany us to the seat on the bus, when our home is filled with grandchildren or when we give advice to the younger ones, sometimes we don't believe them ourselves... Old age can be fun! We will get to know what today's grandfather is like and what he does with tears in our eyes. The work was adapted for the Slovenian language by Jurij Zrnec at the suggestion of the famous Icelandic comedy writer Bjarni Thorsson, so we can expect a mixture of cynical, even somewhat dark humor and the best domestic humor. 


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