
Thus, your birth order affects your intelligence

The oldest children are the most intelligent

The latest extensive study by the University of Leipzig has come up with interesting findings about intelligence by birth order.

Until now, it was believed that the first children in the family are more reliable, more careful and prefer to have everything under control. Children who were born second are said to try to please others, to be extremely sociable and to try to calm down situations. The youngest children are supposed to be fun-loving, unpretentious, more fun, self-oriented and also manipulative.

Well, the latest study from the University of Leipzig showed that a child's personality is not related to the order of birth, but his intelligence depends on it. Children who are born first usually have an intelligence quotient (IQ) 1.5 points higher than their younger siblings. Each subsequent child in the family has an IQ of 1.5 points lower than the previous one.

The reason for higher intelligence lies in education and the way of growing up

Younger children have more freedom, but there is more pressure on the former to succeed in various areas. The next reason is that the first children had their parents to themselves at least for a while, the next ones had to share the attention with their siblings from the very beginning. The third reason for the higher intelligence of the first children is that the older children constantly pass on their knowledge to the younger ones, and they have to stretch their brains fairly. Scientist Julie Rohrer had this to say about it:

"Older children often have to recall their knowledge and structure it in such a way that they pass it on to the younger ones in an appropriate way, thereby ennobling their intelligence."

The study involved 20,000 individuals from three countries. It was made on the basis of intelligence and personality tests. Another study showed as much as a 3-point difference in intelligence quotient, and the difference should disappear by the age of 12.

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A few more points of interest:

My siblings and I share about 50 percent of our genes.

About 80 percent of Americans have at least one sibling.

If we have a brother or sister of the opposite sex, dating is usually easier than ever.

Siblings spend more time together than with anyone else.

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