
Olgafacesrok also left her mark abroad


More and more Slovenian designers are proving themselves around the world, and among them is the design tandem olgafacesrok, which consists of Olga Košica and Rok Marinšek.

While you are their collection from last season, Winter Garden, paves the way to international magazines and newspapers (Chinese Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Glass magazine, ...) behind them is a colorful and successful autumn.

After participating for the second time at the Paris Fashion Week, where the two recognized Chinese designers at the fashion show Masha Ma presented its new collection of 3D printed jewelry "Lucid Dreams" for spring/summer 2014, they took part in the Slovenian fashion week, where they presented Nataša Peršuh's collection 3D printed sunglasses. During the 13th design biennial, they prepared the "Heart" exhibition in Istanbul, which will also visit Maribor in December.

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