
Olympic Predigra: Team Slovenia

Olympic Predigra: Team Slovenia

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Faculty of Social Sciences (lecture room 21), Ljubljana
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Olympic Predigra: Team Slovenia


Thursday, February 21, the Student Section of the Slovenian Public Relations Society (ŠS PRSS) invites you to Olympic PRedigro: Team Slovenia with Jožek Križan.


Jožko Križan is the Marketing Director of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia, which is with the Team Slovenia – OI London 2012 project won at SPORTO conference (Conference on marketing and sponsorships in sports), in the category Best comprehensive sports-marketing activities.


The Olympic Committee's campaign was primarily based on upgrading relations with fans, and the main activities stemmed from four projects, with which they built a wide communication network and presence throughout Slovenia. The Team Slovenia mobile application, the campaign on Twitter Let's tweet for ours, the sale of official Olympic fan products at Petrol service stations and the To London for Victory prize game, which enabled 119 fans to visit the Olympic Games in London for three days, were advertising campaigns that helped, that the Olympic wave covered all of Slovenia and brought the Olympic Committee of Slovenia the most votes from the jury and the professional public at the SPORTO conference. In addition to the aforementioned campaigns, we will Jožko Križan on the example of Team Slovenia - OI London 2012, he also presented the marketing goals, communication network and way of communicating with the public during the Olympic Games.


You are welcome to join us on Thursday, February 21, at 6:00 p.m in lecture hall number 21 (at the Faculty of Social Sciences).


Applications to: pr.students@gmail.com

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