
Olympus on Olympus?

Olympus has introduced the world's first camera that can simultaneously record video in full HD (1080p) and take photos with a resolution of 16 megapixels. Fair? Pretty much. With the SZ-30MR model, we can simultaneously record and take photos (in high resolution and in various formats) and then transmit the images in that format,...

Olympus has introduced the world's first camera that can simultaneously record video in full HD (1080p) and take photos with a resolution of 16 megapixels. Fair? Pretty much. With the SZ-30MR model, we can simultaneously record and take photos (in high resolution and in various formats) and then transmit the images in the format that we think is most appropriate. Due to its "slimness", it is ideal for those who do not want to carry a lot of devices and equipment with them, but are nevertheless not ready to give up top technology. A special innovation is the new construction of the CMOS light sensor, in which the photodiodes are installed right behind the lenses and the color filter, thanks to which they can capture more light. backlit). The effect is noticeable when taking pictures in the dark, where the images are of excellent quality despite the lack of light. Of course, 3D photography and compatibility with Eye-Fi memory cards are also supported, which enable wireless transfer of images to a computer.

Price: 353.39 euros, available at www.mojedom.si

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