
Visiting 7 web giants: Dropbox

We're kicking off a week of discovering the world of imaginative interior design from the seven web giants Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare, Dropbox and Airbnb. Aiming at the vision of investing in a relaxed working environment for the well-being of their employees, they bring unprecedented inspiration and encouragement to other companies.

Online content repository, Dropbox, has its business base in San Francisco turned into a pleasant ambience mixed with flair industrial robustness. In all their openness and minimalist division, they leave room for breathing creative energy. The individual pieces range from cozy homeliness through modern soft creations to simple linearity. As with other online giants, which we have already peeked into, you can also feel playful relaxation at Dropbox, with Lego blocks and fun meeting room signs.

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