
The moon will bleed tomorrow! On September 28, 2015, early in the morning, a total lunar eclipse will also be visible in Slovenia!

A total lunar eclipse and a supermoon in one evening.

A total lunar eclipse will be visible in Slovenia on the night of September 27 to 28, 2015 (from Sunday to Monday)! Of course, the weather also has to take part in this, which hopefully will not deprive us of this unique event, the first since 2011. This autumn, therefore, not only nature will play with colors, as the Moon also joins this game, at least for one night, but will actually be a Supermoon. Our satellite will also be closest to Earth this night.

A total lunar eclipse is returning to Europe and thus Slovenia after a long time, and will be seen on the night of September 27-28, 2015. It will be a truly special event, as the Moon will stage a show in the sky after the departure of the Sun a real show. First, it will come as close to us as possible (it will be the smallest distance this year) and it will 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter as usual, just a few hours later her next item will be on the air. The Moon, the Sun and, in their sandwich, the Earth, will meet aligned in a straight line and when that happens, no light will be able to reflect from the Moon and there will be a total lunar eclipse, the first after June 15, 2011. It should bring with it more calmness and confidence. The next such phenomenon will be on the air again in Slovenia July 27, 2018.

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First a Supermoon, then a total lunar eclipse. All this in one night.
First a Supermoon, then a total lunar eclipse. All this in one night.

The sequence of events on the night of a total lunar eclipse

On Sunday, September 27, 2015, the Moon will rise in the east shortly before sunset. At first there will be good old Moon, all shining, after 2 am and its left (eastern) side will start to turn in semi-shade and lose their characteristic shine. A good hour later, to be exact at 3:07 a.m, will begin to enter the shadows, at 4 hours and 11 minutes but it will "disappear" for good 1 hour and 13 minutes. Well, in reality it won't disappear like it "normally", because some rays will still reach it, and as a result it will turn red (hence the expression blood moon, which carries with it many ominous predictions, including that of the end of the world). It will peek at Earth again a good five minutes before six thirty in the morning (5.23). She will finally cast her shadow about an hour later, and an hour later she will take off her veil (read half-shadow). She will show her "bare skin" again just before sunrise.

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