
Once a year, put down your smartphone and make the most beautiful moments come true

More and more people are using smartphones, which have thus become an indispensable part of everyday life - even during the holidays. With the #BePresent campaign, Huawei announces that the holiday season is an opportunity to put down our phones and spend the best moments with our loved ones. The campaign will take place on television, in the media and on social networks in 26 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Nordic region.

Huawei sold a hundred million phones last year. Huawei products and innovative solutions connect more than a third of the world's population. It is the fastest growing provider of mobile technology, steadily increasing the number of satisfied users. The popularity of phones makes it increasingly difficult to separate us from them - even during the Christmas holidays. Huawei campaign #BePresent encourages people to put down their phones during the holidays and spend this special time with the ones they love. The campaign draws attention to the fact that devices that are otherwise indispensable in our lives are superfluous during the Christmas season. Each of us should give our attention to family and friends at Christmas.

Huawei #BePresent
Huawei #BePresent

The campaign is also supported by Zlatko and Rebeka Dremelj
A key element of the #BePresent campaign is a TV ad that also features Huawei's global ambassadors, such as the Polish national football team and Bayern Munich footballer Robert Lewandowski. campaign in Slovenia #BePresent supported by a popular singer Rebecca Dremelj, journalist and vlogger Cyril Komotar, a rapper Honey, fashion editor Lorella Flego, a beauty blogger Buckwheat Sitar and many media outlets. Huawei's TV ad tells the story of a boy who, all alone, looks forward to Christmas Eve with great enthusiasm, while his entire family is focused on mobile devices. At some point, the Christmas tree catches the attention of all the family members, who put down their phones and gather together for some of the best moments.

Huawei #BePresent
Huawei #BePresent

The campaign started in Slovenia on November 28, and you can see the entire ad on the Huawei official website


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