
Facebook Marketplace - Flea is getting tough competition

Facebook has become a merchant! Namely, he 'opened' the Marketplace online market, which, like Bolha.com, enables the sale of used and new items between users. It will be available in Slovenia in the coming months. Do you also use Facebook as an advertisement?

Facebook has expanded its offer with the Marketplace online market, which enables the simple sale of new and used items between users. The biggest Slovenian online classifieds Flea.com so it is getting serious competition, but not quite right away. The service is currently only available in USA, Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand, and in the coming months, she will start spreading her tentacles to other countries as well, including Slovenia.

Get a used car on Facebook!
Get a used car on Facebook!

It is in contrast to the popular Slovenian online market sales and purchase system Facebook is even simpler, and above all, more direct. The sale will take place as follows. Over Facebook mobile apps the user will select or take a photo of the product he wants to sell in the gallery, give it a title, place it in a category, set a price for it, choose its location, equip it with a description and publish an ad. Buyers will be able to see all ads posted by users in the immediate vicinity, and of course they will be able to search by entering the keyword narrowed down to a specific piece or location.

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To launch the Marketplace, which is only available users over 18 years of age, Facebook decided to make it easier for users to advertise in various buy and sell groups where trading is extremely lively. Facebook is said to be already used as a 'wild' online market over 450 million users. Facebook's Marketplace has already met with initial criticism. It does not offer assessment options sellers, such as eBay. This kind of assessment is a building block of trust, as it makes it less likely that someone will lead us thirsty across the water. The Facebook Marketplace service is currently 'only' available as part of the Facebook mobile app, with more coming later version for computers.

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