
Opel Corsa-e: the world's first factory electric rally car

Opel Corsa-e

Opel will again go to the demanding terrain of mud and sand, but this time without the loud internal combustion engine. The Corso-E rally will be powered by electricity, leaving behind no harmful emissions, but only the high-pitched sound of the rotating electric motor and the sound of the tires hitting the terrain.

Opel plows the fallow again, this time in form of the first factory electric rally car on the world. Opel Corsa-e is based on fully electric and civil Corsi-e, which will be shown to the public at the upcoming Frankfurt Motor Show. The Rallye Corso is powered by the same engine, s 100 kW (136 hp) power and 260 Nm of torque that draws power from a capacity battery 50 kWh. This is where the comparison with the 'road' version ends, as the rally version has off-road suspension, adaptive brakes, a mechanical differential lock, a roll cage and more. At the same time, it will come to life next year ADAC Opel e-Rally Cup, which represents the first sports brand to venture into the world of electric rallying. The Opel Cora-e will thus already have the opportunity to show how well it does in the next season fast field trials.

The civilian version of the Opel Corsa will be able to drive up to 330 kilometers a long way. It should have the same capacity enough for each stage of the rally competition. Teams wishing to enter the world of electric rallying will have to shell out a car for the factory rally less than 50,000 euros.

Gallery: Opel Corsa-e

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