
Open kitchen - a popular food market is coming to Koper

Open kitchen

The first day of school will be especially happy on the coast, because on Tuesday, September 1, the popular food market Odprta kuhna is coming to Koper. The organizers will turn Carpaccio Square and the neighboring Taverna into a real world in miniature, as they will bring with them renowned suppliers from all over Slovenia, who will swing their kitchens alongside well-known local suppliers. Carnivores and vegetarians, trans-eaters and vegans, lovers of good wine and fans of craft beer will find something to do.

Important information
Carpaccio square, Koper
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

A popular food market Open kitchen, which for the third year now offers visitors to Ljubljana a unique opportunity to try traditional Slovenian and internationally diverse cuisine every sunny Friday, is opening its kitchen in the center of Koper as well. The first Open Kitchen in Koper will be held on Tuesday, September 1, between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. in the Taverna and on Carpaccio trg, and it will feature both local providers and restaurants from all over Slovenia.

On September 1, it will be fragrant in the very center of Koper
On September 1, it will be fragrant in the very center of Koper

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