
Fashion and art event in Situla, Ljubljana

Yesterday evening, the Situla residential and commercial complex hosted a large fashion and art event. In the passage of the business part, parallel to the view of the railway tracks, the organizers presented on the catwalk talented individuals who live and create in the capital, and whose ideas, creations and products are known even beyond our borders. In the spaces intended for commercial activities, art found its place, with a photography exhibition by Miško Kranjac and an art installation by Rok Bogataj.

We were yesterday in Ljubljana residential and commercial complex Situla and us in spirit"Urban Ljubljana” taken through a large fashion and art event.

On catwalks the models walked in the fashion designer's creations Gordane Bobojevic with a brand Bobo, stylists and fashion designers Jelenc oil, with a stamp Oils. Jewelry designers Hana Karim and Barbara K. Germ have brightened up the fashion event with a jewelry line. They also invited to participate Calypso Crystal, superbly designed and crafted mobile accessories, yoga gear and travel accessories.

A fashion creation by fashion designer Gordana Bobojević, who creates under the Bobó brand. Photo: Anže Vrabl
A fashion creation by fashion designer Gordana Bobojević, who creates under the Bobó brand. Photo: Anže Vrabl

The fashion show was enriched by two brands Vintage Weekend and Divas Vintage Preloved and thus showed that fashion does not hide years and has no limitations.

A vintage touch from the catwalk. Vintage Weekend. Photo: Anže Vrabl
A vintage touch from the catwalk. Vintage Weekend. Photo: Anže Vrabl

Art has also found its place in the premises intended for commercial activities. Opening of the photography exhibition Miška Kranjec, with Title Along the tracks and art installations Rich man's hand, with Title A mystery man, visitors witnessed an art installation of thousands of umbrella constructions and the work of Miško Kranjec, who captured the work and life of railway workers in his lens. Both exhibitions are on view at the end of June. After the fashion and art event, the visitors walked to a model apartment, an architectural bureau Gao Architects. We witnessed a relaxed event of new design faces in the big city of the heart of the capital, as they like to call it Situla. And we want as many of them as possible.

See more photos of the event in the gallery.

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