
Open your eyes: 4 signs of a toxic relationship that you MUST NOT ignore!

Every relationship has problems, but if the following 4 signs appear in yours, it's time to end it, walk away and never come back!

On a good day, intimate relationships are a source of real, authentic happiness. But when the sky is surrounded by dark clouds, close bonds can hurt more than anything in the world. All of these are completely normal variables of a healthy relationship. So how do you know when a relationship is harmful? Read what they are 4 signs of a toxic relationship that you need to end immediately.


Trust is the foundation of any solid relationship. Moments or periods of doubt are perfectly normal, but if you or your partner are constantly suspicious, it can be dangerous for the relationship. If you suspect that your partner is unfaithful, it is best to open the topic and discuss your suspicions with him. But if your partner is the one who has problems with mistrust, help him to feel safe in the relationship, while at the same time limiting his behavior.

If you or your partner are constantly suspicious, this can be dangerous for the relationship.
If you or your partner are constantly suspicious, this can be dangerous for the relationship.

Extreme jealousy

There is nothing wrong with small amounts of jealousy. It is completely normal to feel something inside us when we see our partner being conquered by someone else. Uncontrollable jealousy, however, is a completely different song. It can turn into possessiveness, which honestly makes our life boring. If your partner is overly jealous, try to fix this problem as soon as possible.

Avoidance of responsibilities

We all make mistakes here and there. No one is perfect and both you and your partner need to be aware of that. However, constant avoidance of responsibilities is pathological. If your partner hurts you, he must find a way to apologize and repay you. If he blames you for his actions, this is a sign that something is not right between you (or your partner).

Constant avoidance of responsibilities can be pathological.
Constant avoidance of responsibilities can be pathological.


Controlling the partner is inadmissible. If you are in a relationship with someone who keeps trying to direct you and manipulate you, get out as soon as possible. There's nothing wrong with your partner having moments where he's a bit more bossy. However, if he does not allow you to make your own choices, this is a sign that your relationship is completely dysfunctional.

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