
Open your eyes: 6 clear signs that your partner is playing with your emotions!

Do you feel like your partner is playing with you? Then you're probably right. There are usually pretty clear signs for doing this, and many times you don't even need to look for them, because they literally fall into your lap. If you want to know if your partner is really playing with you, here are some signs you should not ignore!

Open your eyes, these are clear signs that your partner is playing with you!

1. Mobile phone

One of the most recognizable signs that we are not the only ones in our partner's life comes from the mobile phone. It is not for nothing that it is muted and the screen is turned down. It's really rude to keep scrolling through our phone when we're with someone special, but it's suspicious that we don't even touch the phone, it's hidden and silent, and we wait for our partner to leave the room before we even look at it. leave.

2. Unresponsiveness

Is your partner not responding to our messages? This is nothing special, because we ourselves know that we do not always respond to all people. But we certainly respond to the people we want to talk to. Also, we shouldn't hang up every minute, but if someone doesn't get back to us for hours and hours? It's probably a sign that our partner is busy with someone else and doesn't want us to know what they're doing or who they're with. Of course, we cannot say this for everyone, but if someone cares about us, they will respond as soon as possible.

3. He got what he wanted, now the relationship is different

Isn't it funny how sometimes someone is nice to us, sweet talks and makes us feel, but we are the only person in this world? All, of course, until he or she gets what he or she wants! We have already helped this person in one way or another, and now he doesn't have to struggle to get what he wants. There are chances that such a partner will become alienated from us and push us away. Either we will have to leave his/her life or we will stay but no longer be a priority. Time will tell.

When he gets what he wants... the attitude changes.
When he gets what he wants... the attitude changes.

4. They used to take time for us, today it is different

Do we remember when he or she wanted to spend all the time with us? He had plenty of it for us, he took us out, spoiled us and showed us what he was capable of. But then everything started to slowly decline. We may have already begun to think that it is strange that he or she does not want to spend so much time with us anymore. Maybe the person just lost interest (we're human, it happens) or they found someone else. And it would help if you let me know. We will survive the disappointment. But a true "player" will always keep us on the ropes so that he can have the best of both worlds. This happens because he or she knows that we have invested time and energy and they are taking advantage of it.

5. They get over love disappointment with us

Who wants to be alone when they've spent years and years with a partner? If our new partner came out of a long-term relationship two weeks ago, it should not surprise us that he keeps his distance from us. But we ourselves have to realize that in such a short time we are only a person with whom they overcome love disappointment.

6. Intuition

Intuition is an extremely powerful force. If we think something is wrong, we are probably right. When we feel deep down that something is not right, we need to listen to ourselves. Then we can start solving the puzzle. Even if we ignore all other signs, let's listen to ourselves, our intuition - it is our best friend. It's a feeling that will never go away, and it's a good idea to decide what to do about it as soon as possible.

Sometimes it's our fault that others play tricks on us. We see the signs but choose to ignore them. Although others play with us, in the end only we are hurt. This is the harsh truth. And if we decided to keep playing, we can only be mad at ourselves. This is our conscious choice as we have decided to stay in this game.

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