
oPhone, sending scents via SMS or MMS

As explained by James E. Rooks Jr. "smell evokes memories because it travels to the part of the brain that controls emotions and memory". Vapor communications has harnessed the power of smell and packaged it into the oPhone platform, which lets you send scent messages from your iPhone. So we get the 2.0 version of scented paper, and something that seemed to have survived is now experiencing reincarnation.

oPhone will work something like this. The user will be on his own iPhone downloaded the app for free oSnap. The application will allow him to mark any object in the resulting photo and furnish with any scent. This will be created in the 'perfume factory', or in the oPhone platform, which will simultaneously host the iPhone. Meanwhile, the user will transform into a perfumer and will be able to create via 300 thousand different scents from 32 unique fragrances. It should be added that oSnap does not intend to stop at this number, as learning, as expected, smells to him and he has a desire to expand his 'vocabulary'. After "tagging" the scent, all you have to do is press the button and the scent is on its way.

Mmmmm, how nice the beef pastor smells. I can't wait to come visit.
Mmmmm, how nice the beef pastor smells. I can't wait to come visit.

It also joins oSnap and oPhone oNotes, a virtual dumping ground for everything pictures, texts and sounds are wrapped in intoxicating fragrances, a storage that will keep your memories of the past much closer at hand.

Do you also smell that the oPhone will be a sales hit?
Do you also smell that the oPhone will be a sales hit?

Imagine that a friend sends you a picture from vacation while you are cooking in the office and your hand is glued to the mouse. And he with beer and sand between my toes enjoys the beach. As if the picture alone wasn't enough to make you green with envy, now you'll get an actual taste of the sea. You will probably unfriend him on Facebook in no time, so I suggest you use oPhone with caution.

Read more: Proof that the mobile phone is also to blame for a good photo - the winners for the best iPhone photos of the year are known

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