
Opposites attract: zodiac signs that make a great match

Opposites attract: zodiac signs that make a great match

They have always liked opposites - rebellious girls are interested in hard-working guys, and unruly guys are interested in quiet and shy girls (even if sometimes neither of them admit it out loud). What does astrology say about opposites? Opposites attract even in a star sign and these zodiac signs are a perfect match!

Many times it is up to the other person like exactly what I don't have myselfo. And so it is also written in the stars. Opposites attract! Read which one zodiac signs are a great combination precisely because they are so different.

Pisces + Virgo

Pisces are open, emotional and dreamy, while Virgos are reserved and somewhat cold. Pisces can learn from Virgo when it is necessary to be more in touch with reality. On the other hand, Virgos can learn from Pisces how to be emotionally available, warm and loving.

aries + libra

Libras will do everything possible to ensure peace, and Aries will fight for their rights and are sometimes brutally honest. Libra can teach Aries to think before saying something that will start a fire. Aries, on the other hand, can teach Libra how to stand up for themselves, take care of their own needs (and not always only those of others) and how to be assertive.

capricorn + cancer

This combination is imbued with vigor and energy. Justice, ethics and morality are important to both signs. And where do they complement each other? Capricorn is often a bit protective of Cancer, and Cancer encourages Capricorn to show a little more emotion.

taurus + scorpio

The combination of Taurus and Scorpio is probably one of the most intense that can be composed of astrological signs. Power and influence are important to Scorpios, while Tauruses are down-to-earth, hard-working and unassuming. Taurus presents Scorpio with one of the few relationships where he can completely drop his mask and show himself as he really is. On the other hand, Scorpio has a whole bunch of qualities that Taurus admires and is attracted to.

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