

Documentary film about the 25-year career of Saša Lošić and the legendary Sarajevo band Plavi orkestar and about the time when the former common state fell apart and the Balkan Sea was happening. A true story about a time and a generation that survived the collapse of the country and a change in the value system, yet remained...

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Documentary film about the 25-year career of Saša Lošić and the legendary Sarajevo band Plavi orkestar and about the time when the former common state fell apart and the Balkan Sea was happening. A true story about a time and a generation that survived the collapse of the country and a change in the value system, but remained true to itself. The film is full of optimism, endurance and the indestructibility of talent, friendship and music. It features more than a hundred personalities who marked that time, including many musicians, politicians, artists and journalists, as well as unknown people who draw an emotional map of a certain past.


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