
Oreo tiramisu: simple yet divine

Oreo tiramisu is a delicious dessert inspired by the classic tiramisu and prepared with oreo cookies. Quick and easy to prepare and the perfect end to lunch or dinner!

Simple but divine. That's how you could describe it delicious oreo tiramisu. You can find the recipe below. Have fun!

Ingredients (for 8 people)

  • 500 g of Oreo cookies
  • 500 g of mascarpone cheese
  • 190 ml of condensed milk
  • 100 ml of milk
  • coconut flakes


First, let's separate the Oreo cookies, namely the cookies and the filling. Then take 30 ml of milk and slowly heat it with the Oreo cookie filling to obtain a homogeneous cream. Add a few tablespoons of mascarpone cheese and mix well. Place in the freezer for an hour. Meanwhile, take a large bowl and mix the mascarpone cheese with an electric mixer, and when it is completely mixed, gradually add the condensed milk, still mixing. Prepare the glasses, dip the cookie part of the Oreo cookies in milk and put it as a base for the tiramisu at the bottom of the glass. Add the mascarpone and condensed milk cream and, with the help of an ice cream scoop, the cream that we kept in the freezer. Allow to cool, then garnish with coconut flakes and crushed oreo cookies. So sweet good run!

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