
Concert Hall Orchestra from Berlin

The Orchestra of the Berlin Concert Hall worked for more than fifty years as the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, which, in collaboration with influential conductors, garnered international praise. They will perform in Maribor under the baton of the internationally renowned conductor Lothar Zagrosek. They will perform works by Mozart and Beethoven. She will perform as a soloist...

Important information
Union Hall, Prešernova ulica 3, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Cena vstopnic: 20 evrov.

Orkester Koncertne hiše iz Berlina je dobrih petdeset let deloval kot Berlinski simfonični orkester, ki je v sodelovanju s prodornimi dirigenti požel mednarodno hvalo. V Mariboru bodo nastopili pod taktirko mednarodno priznanega dirigenta Lothar Zagrosek. Izvajali bodo dela Mozarta in Beethovna. Kot solistka bo nastopila mlada nemško-japonska violinistka Mirijam Contzen.

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