Photo: Edward Cisneros/Unsplash

Osho: "Today's relationships are hell, because you all want love, but you don't know how to give it!"

Love is given and all you receive is a blessing, not a reward. Even if you don't receive anything, you can still be glad that you were able to give.

Read what a spiritual teacher says about receiving and giving love Osho. Do you agree with his view?

You want someone to love you, and if someone loves you, it makes you feel good. What you don't know is that other people love you only because they want you to love them back. It is the same as when someone throws a bait to fish: he does not throw it for the fish to eat, he throws it to catch them.

So people throw the "bait" for a moment until the other person feels that there is a possibility of getting love here. Then she will start showing love too until they both realize that they are actually beggars.

At some point, both of them realize that they have not received real love from each other, so hatred appears. And that's why married life becomes hell, because we all want love, but we don't know how to give it.

This is the root cause of all conflicts.

As long as this happens, the relationship between husband and wife will never be harmonious, no matter what kind of reconciliation they make, no matter what kind of marriage they have, no matter what rules society imposes.

The only way to improve a relationship is to realize that love can only be given, not sought.

Love is given and all you receive is a blessing, not a reward.

Even if you receive nothing, you can still be glad that you were able to give.


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