
Opening of the MAKfest festival

Opening of the MAKfest festival (youth altruistic culture festival) with the announcement of the winning photos submitted to the MAKfest photography competition. At the opening, the idea of MAKfest and the purpose for which it is organized will be presented. The winning photos selected by a jury of three professional...

Important information
Menza pri koritu, Metelkova mesto, , Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Otvoritev festivala MAKfest (festival mladinske altruistične kulture) z razglasitvijo zmagovitih fotografij, prijavljenih na MAKfestov fotografski natečaj. Na otvoritvi bo predstavljena ideja MAKfesta in namen, za katerega je organiziran. Razglašene bodo zmagovite fotografije, ki jih je izbrala žirija treh profesionalnih fotografov (Jože Suhadolnik, Borut Peterlin in Marko Lakovič) ter obiskovalci razstave v knjižnici Šiška s svojimi glasovi.

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