We may not realize it, but our attitude towards money directly affects our financial situation.
Our ancestors believed that the wallet should never be empty, regardless of what our financial situation is in the bank account. They always had in their wallets at least one banknote, because they believed that this is how wealth is attracted to the home. It was a banknote that they earned themselves or the banknote he gave them given by someone they thought was a good person. A banknote or a coin was thus considered a kind of talisman of financial stability. That is why it is still customary in some places to never gives away an empty wallet.
All transactions you make are believed to be in the evening, leading to ruin, but you shouldn't take money borrow on Tuesdays. Besides the money, you are you should not borrow bread, as financial stability is expected to leave home. To attract money to the house and to literally stick to you, you should not withdraw money on the day your salary is remitted. I would have to spend the entire salary in your home, which would mean in your account today.
Our grandfathers and grandmothers also believed that money if you will cleaned crumbs from the table with bare hands or whistled in the house, he will not come to the home. The pockets of the clothes hanging in the closet were filled with small paper money.
They are housewives patched even the smallest hole in their pockets, because they believed that money would slip out of their hands more easily. In order to have as much money as possible in the house, they made sure that not even on a single coat or shirt no button is missing, and after they swept the yard, she was the broom is placed with the handle down.
They believed that the money that was lost in gambling, found money, damaged banknotes or coins, they do not bring good luck, so our ancestors never carried them in their wallets. The biggest banknote they didn't keep it in their wallets, they kept it at home and kept it for a year, as they believed it would attract money to the home.
When is the best day to ask for a raise?
According to various researches, it should be this Thursday. This is supposed to be the day when the bosses are most lenient because they are mentally preparing for the upcoming weekend. Our ancestors believed that it is best to ask for a raise on Wednesday morning.