
Nasa: The most stunning images of the planet Mars so far

New photos of the planet Mars.

Mars as you have never known it! We have been led to believe that Mars is red. Last but not least, we also call it the red planet. But as you can see in the new NASA images (in total, the American space agency has published as many as 1035 never-before-seen photos from space), the latest and most stunning photos of the planet Mars tell a different story and show that we have been living in error all our lives! Mars is much more colorful than we thought! Mountains, rivers, fluffy clouds, lakes and a kingdom of colors... no, we are not talking about our Earth, we are still at Mars. Get to know him in a whole new light.

Mars is likely to be the first new planet on which human foot will set foot. NASA is already running on it the Curiosity rover (Curiosity). We call it the red planet because of the presence of iron oxide on its surface, which is much more colorful than we originally thought. Your idea of Mars is thus probably completely wrong and new NASA photos, coming from there, will only confirm it!

READ MORE: Slovenian knowledge on Mars!

The photos were taken by the vessel MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter), which orbits the red planet since 2006.

Nasa - The Most Stunning Images of Planet Mars So Far:

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