
Outdoor evenings in Kapitelj Gallery

9 day adventure on a French island - Climbing, canyoning, hiking, diving... - Bastia, Bonifacio, Ajaccio, Porte Vechio - Restonica valley and Aiuguilles de Bavela - Wild and...

Important information
Bar Kapitelj, Ljubljana Center, Bar Kapitelj (above GH Kapitelj)
Facebook event
Entrance fee

9 day adventure on a French island – Climbing, canyoning, hiking, diving… – Bastia, Bonifacio, Ajaccio, Porte Vechio – Restonica Valley and Aiuguilles de Bavela – Wild and rugged west coast of the island – Guided activities – Adventure for the truly young at heart – Sleeping in campsites around the island – Great company and relaxed and really fun wandering.

We really go to Corsica in search of adventure. Very true! On the island, we will mainly wander, camp andswitched off” with climbing, went on a hike through beautiful mountains, descended in wetsuits and in full equipment through divinely beautiful canyons, and again climbed boulders and explored the sea in all possible forms. In the meantime, we will eat basic culinary delights, sip a glass of delicious French wine and set off on new adventures.

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT_AE3jMkD4

SOURCE: http://www.vertigosport.si/kanjoning/potovanja/korzika_hudo_aktivno_na_otoku_2.html


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