
An overhanging house in the mountains of Japan

Architects from the Kidosaki studio built a house with a dreamy view at the foot of the Yatsugatake mountains in Japan. From a distance, the overhanging house acts as a springboard, which is attached to solid ground on only one side.

A modern one-story house is located at the foot of the Yatsugatake Mountains in Japan. Its creators are master architects from the studio Kidosaki, who managed to build a house that acts as if it defies all earthly laws of gravity. The house is overhanging and from afar it "sticks" out of the slope like a springboard, the floor of which floats in the air.

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The house is supported by two diagonally placed steel poles, and the house is located outside the slope extraordinary view. From the living room, the three walls of which are covered with glass from floor to ceiling, it seems as if we are surrounded on all sides by the Japanese landscape. The entire house is also surrounded by a wide wooden balcony, which allows residents to enjoy outdoor recreation and relaxation. So, despite its modern architecture, the house is part of the nature around it.

Check out the photos of the dream overhanging house in the Japanese mountains in our gallery!

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